Mangesh, a resident of Samrat Nagar, in Aundh, always aspired to become an entrepreneur and start a poultry farming business. His father is a farmer in Paud village and often found it difficult to make ends meet. Mangesh knew he had to support his family with an alternate source of income but his fears and lack of knowledge held him back.
On joining the Lighthouse program, he actively participated in the activities and was the first candidate to show an interest in a poultry course. He took the initiative and worked along with the Lighthouse Skilling Coordinator to find the appropriate course to his liking and successfully went on to complete a poultry business course through MITCON.
“The Lighthouse was committed to my dream and supported me throughout my journey. Although I was the very first student to aspire to poultry farming, the Lighthouse found a skilling organization that could help me pursue this. I could overcome my fears and skill myself to start a business of my own only because of the constant support and assistance I received from the team members.”- Mangesh
During his course, Mangesh gained basic information in the poultry farm domain. With technical knowledge and continuous help from the Lighthouse staff, Mangesh was able to connect with experts in the field to broaden his horizons. Mangesh is now set to begin his journey in the Poultry Business.
The Lighthouse program is a multi-disciplinary project, with a holistic approach to skill development and employment. It is designed to awaken deep and long-term aspirations, stemming from a sense of social belonging, and at the same time address skilling needs of young people from socio-economically vulnerable backgrounds.