Vaibhav Nimbalkar resides with his parents and his wife in Pune. Due to lack of education, Vaibhav had worked as a housekeeping staff for a hospital in Hadapsar, while his father is a labourer. Unable to support his family with the required financial assistance, he decided to enrol at the Lighthouse to improve on his skills for a better livelihood.
On successful completion of the Foundation course followed by counselling, Vaibhav decided to enrol for the Ac and Refrigerator Course.
He personally shared with the Lighthouse team that through the Foundation course he inculcated confidence and gauged a career path for himself. The foundation course activities helped him so much so that he successfully cracked the interviews with Blue Dart and Daikin Airconditioning Pvt Ltd. He is now working as an AC Technician with Daikin at 9000 pm.
Sustainable Livelihood: ‘Lighthouses of Pune’ is a multi-disciplinary project, with a holistic approach to skill development and employment. It is designed to awaken deep and long-term aspirations, stemming from a sense of social belonging, and at the same time address skilling needs of young people from socio-economically vulnerable backgrounds.